1prof.by — Information Portal of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
The affiliated organization of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus Phone: +375 (17) 356 83 37
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About us

Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers is a voluntary, public organization that comprises healthcare workers, students of medical educational institutions and former employees of the industry.

In its work the Union is independent of the state and economic bodies, political parties and movements, and other public organizations, and works in accordance with its Constitution and the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The supreme body of the Union is the Congress which elects the governing bodies for the period between congresses.

The first congress of the Union was on the 5-6th September 1990 (independence of Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers was declared).

Maintaining its organizational, financial and economic independence, our Union is an affiliate and a founder of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus.

The Union has focused its work on:

  •  improvement of work organization and payment, increasing of living standards of healthcare workers;
  •  interaction with public authorities and administrations, associations in solving social and economic problems;
  •  improving the efficiency of public control in the sphere of social and labor relations, realization of human rights to health and safe working conditions, promoting full and productive employment;
  •  implementation of a focused and coherent youth policy;
  • development and improvement of the healthcare system;
  • development of international cooperation.

By number of workers Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers is the third in the country among the trade unions and comprises 332 955  union members from 887 primary trade union organizations. Coverage of union membership among workers in the healthcare sector of Belarus is 96,7%.

Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers (BTUHW) is a voluntary, public, independent organization uniting the employees of medical and pharmaceutical organizations regardless of organizational and legal forms of property, students of medical institutions and former health workers of the Republic of Belarus.

Today Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers today consists of 332955 members, including 65384 young workers, 24686 students and 1566 pensioners.

BTUHW by its size is the third among other trade unions of Belarus.

While maintaining its organizational, financial and economic autonomy BTUHW is an integral part of the trade union movement of the Republic of Belarus, a membership organization of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus.

BTUHW main areas of work within the Constitution adopted at VI Congress (April 8, 2015) and Program of Action for 2015-2020:

  • development and improvement of the health care system;
  • improving the organization and payment of labor, raising the standard of living of health workers;
  • interaction with state authorities and public associations in solving socio-economic tasks;
  • improving the effectiveness of public control in the sphere of  social and labor relations, ensuring full and productive employment;
  • ensuring the rights to healthy and safe working conditions;
  • protection of social and labor rights of youth;
  • organizational and financial strengthening of the Union;
  • development of international cooperation.

Agreement between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers for 2016 – 2018 acts as one of the legal means of regulation of labor relations and establishes minimum social guarantees and serves as a basis for collective agreements.

Labour inspection provides legal assistance to primary trade union organizations, trade union members when resolving individual and collective bargaining, provide them with the necessary normative legal acts and methodical literature.

Occupational safety inspection provides practical assistance in the investigation of accidents at workplace, upholding the interests of workers in obtaining work-related injuries, consider issues related to compensation for damage caused as a result of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Youth policy of the BTUHW is carried out in accordance with the Concept of youth policy of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the Program of Actions «Three directions of development» for 2015-2020, the long-term Program of measures to improve work in the field of youth policy and social protection of young people.

BTUHW Youth Committee main areas of work:

  • social guarantees for young workers;
  • help in adapting to first working place;
  • mentoring;
  • payments for students;
  • patriotic civiс education of young people

Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare workers is a member of the Public Services International (PSI), European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and the International Confederation of Healthcare Workers’ Unions (ICHWU).

BTUHW has agreements on cooperation with the trade unions from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Lithuania.

BTUHW pays much attention to sport and healthy lifestyle. There are held sports competitions and tourist rallies. Trade union members are regular participants of city, regional and international competitions.

BTUHW pays great attention to children of the trade union members as well as to children with disabilities and orphans.

We organize New Year and Christmas events and performances, tourist trips for children and their parents, collect books, toys and stationery, provide financial support to mothers to single mothers, etc.